Monday, March 7, 2011

my juice pouch at lunch

Every day at luch i have a lemonade juice pouch and it makes me happy. i like them because they taste good and also taste good. lemons are also yellow. Anyway, this young boy by the name of shane was a real mean boy and took mine on wednseday march first of 2011 and i just wanted to cry. i really was looking forward to that juice pouch all day and then people like him ruin it. Its almost like buying pizza withut a birdfeeder. But anyway, i was so sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad that i wanted to cry so i did in the boys bathroom. Then when a person found me i was sent to the help office and asked why i was crying. I told them my story and they didnt care so they sent me home early with a sticker and a grape lollipop. Still feeling sad, and knowing my parents would not understand my sadness, i ran away. I made it to about the next town over but by then it was like 10 in the afternoon and i just slept next to the highway. I woke up in my bed though becasue mymommy had a tracking device implanted in my butt when i was the young age of 12 so i couldn't run away. my head hurt and apparently the ony way to get me home last night was to strike me between the eyes with a stapler and beat me down with a bag of frozen peas. then i got amnesia and have apparently been out of school for 12 months. When i came back to school everyone had moustaches and talked mexican. I then realized i was in mexico and that the people looking after me were not my real parents but a family from oregon that found me that night on the highway, heavily drugged me, and made up the whole story about the fight on the highway... i eventually made my way back to my town but it took 7 days and 4 nightsbut when i came back only 3 people remembered who i was and one was shane who gave me a juice pouch because he felt bad because all of this was his fault. I then threw raw cabages at him untill he went unconcious then through him of the roof of the building. He died and i spent the next 22 years in prison. All this started with a juice pouch.

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