Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Rebecca Black Friday... Gone

well, it finally happened. Rebeccas black removed her horrificly viral video Friday from YouTube. Its about time. Can any one guess how many death threats she recieved? I believe it was between 500,000 to 1000,000. i actually spent my entire last weekend looking at every 1 millions comments, only to find out that at the top of my page every thirty seconds was a new alert saying, "there have been fifty more comment poss since you entered the site."  I heard a rumor that her parents bought her the song for her birthday for two million dollars. But i doubt it because lets face it; She sings like a challenged robot, her facial exspression never changes, she repeats the word friday about 900 times in the song while clearly straightening out the days of the week for all of us below a kindergarden learning level, and to tell you the truth, i could have came up with more clever lyrics in my sleep while choking on chocolate milk. But im going to miss Rebeccas video. Im sure she racked up some records though, like over 20 million haters, over 40 million haters, over 60 million haters, most death threats in an hour (200,000), and second most hated person in america behind Charlie Sheen. Some compare her to Justin Bieber, yes if you take out the popularity, wealth, adoring fans, and talent. And yes, im a huge "J-biebs" hater, but like i said, As quoted by Will Ferrel, her voice is like the mixture of Fergie and a large pile of elephant crap or something . On the contrary, she does know how to get on T.V. and i am impressed with her publicity stunt. Wait, it wasn't one. Oh.
                          Well that is all and before i go, i would like to thank Rebecca for strightening out the days of the week for me, Thursday comes before friday. Thank you, i was truly confused.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Try and take this seriously

sports injuries

You can get hurt in sports. Sprorts are dangerous because you can get hurt and/or injured in them or you can get harmed. With a baseball it can pierce your skin in the face. If you are struck hard enough there may even be blood. either way it will be painful.
getting hit withbaseballs hurts and also doesnt feel good.
The next highly dangerous sport i would like to inform you about would be ping pong. although fun, the risks of playing ping pong are high. The paddle could hit someone and i have even suffered a hand injury playing ping pong. I needed 2 spongebob band aids to stop the severe bleeding. i have also been struck in the eye with a ball. Suffering these injuries makes you want to just sit at home in a corner

Monday, March 7, 2011

my juice pouch at lunch

Every day at luch i have a lemonade juice pouch and it makes me happy. i like them because they taste good and also taste good. lemons are also yellow. Anyway, this young boy by the name of shane was a real mean boy and took mine on wednseday march first of 2011 and i just wanted to cry. i really was looking forward to that juice pouch all day and then people like him ruin it. Its almost like buying pizza withut a birdfeeder. But anyway, i was so sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad that i wanted to cry so i did in the boys bathroom. Then when a person found me i was sent to the help office and asked why i was crying. I told them my story and they didnt care so they sent me home early with a sticker and a grape lollipop. Still feeling sad, and knowing my parents would not understand my sadness, i ran away. I made it to about the next town over but by then it was like 10 in the afternoon and i just slept next to the highway. I woke up in my bed though becasue mymommy had a tracking device implanted in my butt when i was the young age of 12 so i couldn't run away. my head hurt and apparently the ony way to get me home last night was to strike me between the eyes with a stapler and beat me down with a bag of frozen peas. then i got amnesia and have apparently been out of school for 12 months. When i came back to school everyone had moustaches and talked mexican. I then realized i was in mexico and that the people looking after me were not my real parents but a family from oregon that found me that night on the highway, heavily drugged me, and made up the whole story about the fight on the highway... i eventually made my way back to my town but it took 7 days and 4 nightsbut when i came back only 3 people remembered who i was and one was shane who gave me a juice pouch because he felt bad because all of this was his fault. I then threw raw cabages at him untill he went unconcious then through him of the roof of the building. He died and i spent the next 22 years in prison. All this started with a juice pouch.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

My cat is Special

Yo everybody out there! Just here to tell yall bout my messed up cat. She's real nice but, ya know, mentally challenged ; (. It's too bad, especially for her because she struggles at simple cat things like jumping 2 feet, crapping in the litter box, and running away from our dog. We have a little coyunter in our kitchen that she is incapable of getting on to. She takes a running start and smacks right into it. So sad.

Besides that, she can't even crap in the same place. They say that every cat can easily find there litter box anywere. Nope. One day she'll piss in the litterbox then the next we'll find a dump in our shoes. When we went to Mass. for vacation, we dropped her at like a cat day care. All the cats there are in heaven with the food supplies, cat nip, toys, not Bessie. Thecare taker told us that she sat in her crate and hissed at the cats for 8 days striaght. Also we think shes possesed.
But all in all, shes a nice cat. Now i know for a fact that every one who is reading this is totaly confused at how they spent the last 3minutes of their lives. I know i would be. The thing is, you just read a short story on a kid right now in study halls, cat. now thats embarrasing. unless you liked it of course. then thats very embarrasing.

White swag

What is up with all people saying that white people don't have swag. Im just here to prove you wrong haters.