Thursday, February 17, 2011

My meatball rolled off the table... again.

You know what really sucks. When your meatball rolls off the table. It happened to my tonight. Luckily I snagged it at the last second. Im so happy. In a classic story tale, a mindless meatball suffered a fall that was near fatal. It rolled off the table and rolled out the door. The typical color for a meatball is greyish brown. I enjoy eating meatballs. Do you? Of course. Without meatballs how would you create spagetti and meatballs? That's right, you can't. And without spagetti and meatballs, alot of people would be out of buisness causing increased unemployment rates and spiraling our united states into the toilet. Meatballs make thde world go round, and dropping yours off a table is just unacceptable. Before i sign off, i would like to leave you with the important request. Whatever you do, do not let your meatballs roll over the table and out the door, my friends, just don't do it.

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